Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Happy Christmas

Then Pa and Ma and Mr. Edwards sat by the fire and talked about Christmas times back in Tennessee and up north in the Big Woods. But Mary and Laura looked at their beautiful cakes and played with their pennies and drank water out of their new cups. And little by little they licked and sucked their sticks of candy, till each stick was sharp-pointed on one end.
That was a happy Christmas.

~Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little House on the Prairie

Those sweet stories never get old. I hope you all will have a happy Christmas too!

Take care,


  1. Oh how precious :0) The simplicity of this story is what keeps me coming back to it. Thank you for sharing Melanie :0) mari

    1. Yes, Mari, I love the simplicity of these stories...happiness with very little. Have a Merry Christmas.♥

  2. LOL! I just started reading LITTLE HOUSE in the BIG WOODS to my children - about two weeks ago. I grew up with these books as bedtime stories and have been waiting (ever so patiently??) for the right time to begin the series with my Littles - that they'll get it, remember it and be able to narrate it back to me or to others.. You're right!! These stories never get old.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

    1. Oh, Bevy, I hope your children will enjoy the Little House books...such sweet and simple stories. Merry Christmas!♥

  3. The thing about this that struck me was how little made them happy!! wishing you a lovely Christmas. Peace.

    1. Yes, Ginny, the Little House books are full of stories about being happy even though they had so little. Happiness truly is not found in things. Merry Christmas.♥

  4. Hello, Teri~
    Yes, I love them too...such sweet and simple stories about love, hard work, contentment...they are surely some of my most favorite books. Merry Christmas, my sweet friend.♥

  5. Yes, I have had that same thought, Felicia. :-) Merry Christmas.♥

  6. Love Little House! Such great lessons in it for us all- Being happy with a penny, a new cup and a stick of candy. Merry Christmas!

    1. Yes, Theresa.....great lessons...being content with whatever we have. Merry Christmas! :-)

  7. I hope you and your family have a Happy Christmas too!!


  8. Wishing you and your family a blessed 2015, to one of God's royal daughters

    1. Oh, thank you, Karen! I wish you and your family a wonderful year ahead as well! *hugs*♥


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